Rabbi Spilker’s MN Senate Testimony on the Constitutional Amendment on Marriage

Rabbi Spilker gave testimony the senate of the state of Minnesota regarding the possibility of a consitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage. Below is a brief excerpt.

Chairman Limmer, members of the committee, thank you for this opportunity to
testify today. After I introduce myself I have two points that I will make.

I am Rabbi Adam Spilker, rabbi of Mount Zion Temple here in St. Paul on Summit Avenue, a 155 year old congregation, the oldest Jewish synagogue in the upper Midwest. I cannot speak on behalf of all of my 700 families but I do have a clear sense that the vast majority are opposed to this amendment, but I can speak on behalf of the Minnesota Rabbinical Association, comprised of the rabbis who represent the majority of Jews in Minnesota, and was asked to speak for the JCRC, Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas whose board has historically voted to oppose this constitutional amendment.

Read the full testimony: Marriage Equality Senate Testimony – Rabbi Spilker – April 29 2011.