Mount Zion Economic Justice House Meetings

Spring & Summer 2015
Organized by the Mount Zion Tzedek Committee and Jewish Community Action
Click here to sign up now!

[toggle title=”Click here for House Party Dates“]Pilot:
Sunday, March 15th, Hosted by Shel Finver and Dee Albert and Jessica Griffith

Thursday, March 26th, Hosted by Vic and Chris Rosenthal and Jacob Kraus

Sunday, March 29th, Hosted by Michael Kuhne and Mandy Roll-Kuhne


Sunday, June 7th, 10am, “55104, 55108” Hosted by Mary Ann Barrows Wark and David Wark,

Sunday, June 14th, 10am, “Northern St. Paul Suburbs” Hosted by Ilona and Bob Rouda and Liz Stein,

Sunday, June 14th, 4pm, “Eastern St. Paul Suburbs and Wisconsin” Hosted by Charlie Levine, Marjorie Dana-Levine, Jennifer Wallen, and Michael & Stephanie Chauss,

Tuesday, June 23rd, 7pm, “City of Minneapolis” Hosted by Jon and Kay Strauss and Judy Sharken-Simon

Wednesday, June 24th, 6:30pm, “55105” Hosted by Dede Wolfson and Shirley Kulevsky

Thursday, June 25th, 7pm, “55118, 55120” Hosted by Don and Rhoda Mains and Stuart Appelbaum and Jean King-Appelbaum

Monday, June 29th, 7pm, “55105” Hosted by Paul and Jennifer Bagdade and Rebecca Slisz

Sunday, July 5th, 4pm, *Childcare available* Hosted by Sara and Eric Rice and Katie Heisel

Wednesday, July 8th, 6:30pm, “Eagan, Apple Valley, and Southern St. Paul Suburbs” Hosted by Rich & Mitzi Gramling, Ted Flaum, and Phil Goldman

Sunday, July 12th, 10am, *Childcare available* Hosted by Lija and Andrew Greenseid and Jessica Griffith

Sunday, July 12th, 10:30am, “55118, 55120” Hosted by Devora Moliter, Stuart Goldbarg & Phyllis Beatty, and Elena Izaksonas

Sunday, July 19th, 10:30am, “55105, 55116” Hosted by Andrew Koven and Andrea Prevost and Jessica Griffith

Sunday, July 19th, 3pm, *for Project: Home volunteers* Hosted by Michael Skoler, Maria Kirsch, Jessica Segal, and Sara Wise

Wednesday, July 22nd, 6:30pm, “55116” Hosted by Margie Abrahamson and Deb Moses

Sunday, July 26th, 2pm, “Minneapolis Suburbs” Hosted by Jules & Janice Goldstein and Rozanne Glass

Tuesday, July 28th, 7pm, “Northern St. Paul Suburbs” Hosted by Janet Kampf and Jennifer Wallen[/toggle]

“If you say “yes” to attending a House Meeting, here is what you will get: real and meaningful conversation, an enjoyable couple of hours, a deeper connection to other people within our community, and a positive way to respond to the troubling economic changes in our society. This is an opportunity I believe we all desire.  The only question is: will you make the time?”
Adam Stock Spilker, Rabbi

What?  We invite you to attend an Economic Justice gathering. Each meeting includes a short Torah Reflection, a brief economic simulation, a conversation about economic disparities, and a discussion about possible solutions and next steps. 

Why?  Economic disparities are a significant and growing problem in the United States. In 2011, the top 20 percent of Americans owned 85 percent of the wealth, while the bottom 40 percent owned 0.2 percent (U.S. Census Bureau). As Senator Paul Wellstone said, “We all do better when we all do better.” We can do better than this.

Who?  Open to any Mount Zion member who wants to get to know other members, learn about economic justice, and become a part of the solution! Sign up here.

Where?  At the home of a fellow congregant!

How?  Like Mount Zion’s House meeting campaign in 2007, you will be especially invited to a meeting in your zip code or region but you can register for any of the meetings if other dates are more convenient for you.

For more information and to volunteer to be a host or facilitator, please contact Michael Kuhne, co-chair of the Mount Zion Tzedek Committee,, 651-707-7657.

I can state that the experience of being at the Economic Justice House Meeting was not only thought-provoking but also a catalyst to empathy and action. Economic justice is neither an abstraction nor a theoretical amusement; rather, it is something real for many in our Jewish community, in our neighborhoods, and in our state.  These house meetings can be an environment where we can learn from one another and discover opportunities to make a difference.
​—Mount Zion Member