Help Mount Zion to Become a Climate Justice Congregation!

In recent months, the Tzedek Committee has begun working with Minnesota Interfaith Power and Light (MNIPL) to develop a Climate Justice Action Plan, part of a broader process that will enable Mount Zion to become a Climate Justice Congregation.
The Action Plan has goals in three areas–one practical, one systemic, and one spiritual/ relational in focus:
  1. The practical goal is to get a minimum of ten (10) Mount Zion households to enroll in MNIPL’s Climate Justice Household program. This program “will help you and your household gain the focus, resources, and support to galvanize committed climate action.” You can learn more about what is involved at on the MNIPL website. That page also offers a link to the “Cool Congregations” page, which has a helpful tool to calculate your household’s carbon footprint and to get a list of possible actions to take to reduce it (with approximate tons of carbon saved, upfront costs (if any), and potential economic savings listed).
  2. The systemic goal is to get at least 10% of the congregation to sign the MNIPL Climate Voter Pledge.
  3. We would also like at least one Mount Zion member to train through MNIPL in a climate justice-informed get-out-the-vote (GOTV) effort for upcoming elections.
  4. The spiritual/relational goal is to integrate Climate Conversations into our Tzedek 2020 campaign, in which we share stories of connection and explore how our faith calls us to act in response to climate change, and how we can take action together. Possibilities for action include (but are by no means limited to) working through Saint Paul 350 or MN 350, or forming a local dayenu circle.

**Participation from all ages, and at any level, is welcome, and we strongly encourage communicating and working together on this issue, rather than individually, so we can support and inspire each other in these challenging times.**