MZ Summer Reading Challenge!

We are excited to continue that learning with you all this summer! Whether your summer will be spent at overnight camp, day camp, travelling or at home, we hope to make Jewish literacy a part of it through out MZ Summer Reading Challenge!

Here is how it works:

  • Download and print our MZ Summer Reading Bingo Card.
  • Each square has a different challenge for you to complete this summer.
  • Once you have seven squares checked off (including free space!) – send a picture of it to our librarian, Ellen Konstan or to Alisha Sawyer.
  • We will find a time for you to come in and claim your prize, a gift card to Grand Ol’ Creamery.
  • Continue to complete challenges and fill out squares to win an additional surprise prize!

Additional Information:

Bloom Library at Mount Zion is open this summer on Wednesdays from 8:00 am – 3:00 pm. You can also email Ellen Konstan to find a different time to come in and check out books!

If you have any questions please reach out to Ellen Konstan or Alisha Sawyer.

Happy Summer and Happy Reading!