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Main phone number: 651-698-3881. To bypass the automated message, you can enter in any extension below and be directly connected to voicemail.
Staff extensions
Rabbi Spilker: ext. 106
Rabbi Adler: ext. 108
Cantor Strauss-Klein: ext. 105
Cantor Spilker: ext. 111
Terese McCauley, Rabbis’ and Cantors’ Assistant: ext. 107
Kate Tucker Sicher, Executive Director: ext. 103
Rabbi Heather Renetzky, Director of Congregational Engagement: ext. 112
Alisha Sawyer, Religious School Director: ext. 130
Abby Gore, Director of Youth and Young Adult Engagement: ext. 131
Janelle Norlien, Finance Manager: ext. 113
Teresa Matzek, Communications Coordinator: ext. 129
Gabby Helf, Event and Engagement Coordinator: ext. 119
E Oropeza, School and Office Assistant: ext. 101
Elias Pastrana Navarro, Maintenance: ext. 120