Something magical happens when women come together.  An instant community forms; lives intersect; life’s moments are shared.  The collective power of women is unstoppable.  Over the years, support from women just like you has enabled us to make vital contributions to the lives of our temple’s members and to the community at large.

The Women of Mount Zion Temple (WMZT) was founded in in 1871 as the Hebrew Ladies Benevolent Society.  Their objectives then, were similar to what ours are today:   To support Mount Zion Temple, the local community, and the Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ).  Our support for WRJ strengthens the voices of women and empowers them to create caring communities, nurture congregations, cultivate personal and spiritual growth, and advocate for and promote progressive Jewish values.

Do Good Things. Meet Great Women. Have Fun.

To ensure we remain a vital part of our temple and community, please consider supporting the Women of Mount Zion Temple.

Pay online, at the Gift Shop, or please send a check, payable to Women of Mount Zion Temple, to Peggy Kipp (2273 Wagon Wheel Ct. Mendota Hts. MN 55120).

$40, $60, $100, $200, or $250+.

Please consider adding an additional $5 for the WRJ’s Y.E.S. Fund.

The Leadership Team of the Women of Mount Zion Temple appreciates your generosity.

Margie Abrahamson, Dee Albert, Sheri Frisque, Ruth Garner, Susan Grupe, Peggy Kipp, Linda Morgan, Liz Stein, Edith Pang, Lisa Taran-Maddy

If you have any questions please contact Liz Stein or Edith Pang