Thank You for Your Gift!

Through generous support, Mount Zion is able to thrive as a vibrant community. There are various ways to give: Contributions & Tributes (donate to one of our funds in honor or memory of a person or event), Annual Commitment (Membership commitment/Dues), Annual Campaign (a free-will offering), and Legacy Giving (estate planning).

About Our Funds

Annual Campaign

All gifts go toward Mount Zion’s essential needs in our annual budget.

Contributions & Tributes

In honor of a person or event.
In memory of a loved one.

Yom Kippur Appeal

For causes outside our walls.

Those who wish to express their appreciation for Rabbinical services and/or in memory of a loved one, for a joyous occasion, etc., may do so by contributing to this fund. Disposition of these funds is determined by the Rabbis. Donate now →

Is used for a variety of purposes including tzedakah, the enhancement of Mount Zion’s music program and the growth and promotion of Jewish music in general. Donate now →

Bentson Commemorative Garden Fund
This fund was established to fund to provide funds to maintain the Bentson Commemorative garden at the Mount Zion Cemetery.

Cemetery Maintenance and Beautification Fund
This fund was established to fund supplemental special projects of maintenance and beautification at Mount Zion Cemetery.

Elsa Bronstein Pulpit Flower Fund
To offset the cost of pulpit flowers in the Sanctuary.

Edelstein Family Biblical Garden Fund
Annual maintenance of Biblical Garden.

Herman Birnberg Furniture and Fabric Fund

The Maxine Applebaum Art Enhancement Fund
This fund was established to fund the enhancement and promotion of the Mount Zion Art collection. This will include podcasts, brochures and art openings.

Milton P. Firestone Art Gallery Fund
To purchase and maintain objects of art.

ZaiKaner-Perwien Terrace Fund

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Bentson Family Camp Fund
This fund was established to send children from the Congregation to camp.

Jean B. Harris & Robert W. Harris Summer Camp Fund
This fund was established to send children from the Congregation to OSRUI.

Dr. Irwin & Nettie Epstein Youth Leadership Training Fund
Scholarships for leaders or potential leaders of Mount Zion’s Senior Youth Group to attend training programs and conferences by Mount Zion or the Union of American Hebrew Congregations.

Irene Finberg Camp Scholarship Fund
To provide camp scholarships for youth to attend OSRUI or similar camps for Jewish and Religious students.

Z. Willard Finberg Education Fund
An endowment fund created by the family and friends of Z. Willard Finberg to support Jewish education for the entire congregation.

Julie Lazor Confirmation Award
Awarded annually to the confirmand who best exemplifies the ideals of Judaism.

Kibud Morim (Honoring Teachers)
When we recite the Shama anb V’ahavta we say “V’shee-nan’-tam l’vah- neh’cha – you shall teach it to your children.” We are commanded to educate our children in the ways of Torah. Our teachers are our partners in this holy work. The purpose of this fund is to promote and reward excellence in teaching students at Mount Zion’s religious school. Money from this fund will be used for teacher training, grants for classroom projects and resources, and special teacher recognition awards.

Malmon-Cohen Education Fund
To support Jewish education at Mount Zion Temple, including scholarships for Hebrew and Religious Schools.

The Margolis Children’s Educational Fund
Mark & Pam Margolis established the fund in honor of their children to enhance the educational quality of life for all children.

Parents & Tots Fund
This fund was established to support the development of Tot programs at Mount Zion.

Joseph and Daisy Sinaiko Scholarship Fund
Estab. by Joanne, Kathleen & Alan Sinaiko in memory of their parents. To provide scholarships for high school or college age students to assist in the pursuit of Jewish educational experiences.

Tamchui Tzedakah Fund
Donations to the religious school’s Tamchui Tzedakah Fund are disbursed to worthy organizations researched and voted upon by the entire school community.

Teen Activities Program Fund
Supports youth programming and activities.

Kallah & Israel Scholarship Fund
This fund was established to send children from the Congregation to Kallah and Israel.

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Caring Community Fund
Supports our congregants helping each other in times of need with meals,rides, visits, etc.

Tzedek Fund – Social Justice
This fund was established to support Social Justice

Mitzvah Foodshelf
To support foodshelves in the greater twin cities area.

Sara and Yale Johnson Memorial Fund
A fund established for the purpose of helping people in need.

The Nauen-Weil Congregational Meal Fund
A fund established for providing additional financial support for Mount Zion Congregational Dinners.

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David and Rosalind Mandel Lectureship Fund
To present outstanding speakers to the congregation and the community at large.

Melamed Family Lecture in Liberal Religion Fund
The fund was established as a living memorial to the memory of Louis Melamed, his wife, Sylvia, and his son, Maurice “Mort” and designed to bring outstanding persons to address the congregation and the community at large.

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Bloom Library Fund
To provide books and equipment for the Temple library.

Silverman Family Communications Fund
To provide resources for the library, listening library and to support communication between the Temple and its members.

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The Jane Steinman Music Fund
This fund is used to provide musical programs and/or events, and music education for children and adults.

Sydney and Constance Berde Cantorial Fund
This fund was established to facilitate the attraction and retention of qualified and dedicated Cantors in the years to come.

Shir Chants Fund
This fund supports the Teen choir made up of children in grades 7 through 12, and was designed for those who enjoy singing or playing instruments. This fund helps to pay for printed music, special programs and events.

Annette K. & James A. Levine Choir Fund
This fund was established to support the continuing participation of the professional quartet at Friday evening services.

Maurice & Stella Mandel Music Fund
To provide for continuance and enrichment of music programming at Mount Zion Temple.

MuZiCA Fund
Supports Jewish musical and cultural arts programs.

Prayerbook and Bible Fund.
To provide prayerbooks and Bibles for the congregation.

Bertha Schlesinger Choir and Music Fund
To support and sustain the Temple’s musical program in all its services of worship and religious functions.

Shir Tzion Fund
Shir Tzion, “Song of Zion,” is one of Mount Zion Temple’s precious gems. This choir of nearly 50 children, third through seventh graders is an integral part of the worship in our synagogue. Shir Tzion members proudly take an active role in singing and leading Jewish liturgy each month at Sabbath evening services. The choir also participates in numerous cultural and community events each year. The Shir Tzion fund helps to fund printed music, special commissions, outfits, programs and events for the choir.

Torah Tones Fund
Torah Tones, Mount Zion’s adult choir, plays an important role in the synagogue’s music and worship. They sing at Shabbat services, for festivals, special events and concerts. They also add joy to the happy occasions of our members and bring comfort to those who are ill or in mourning by singing for baby namings, shivas and at hospital and hospice visits. The Torah Tones Fund helps to pay for printed music, special programs and guest conductors.

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Brotherhood Fund
This fund assists the Brotherhood when sponsoring events at Mount Zion.

The Clara Margolis Women’s Leadership Fund
This fund will be used to grant scholarships to women of Mount Zion to attend conferences, programs and events (including the Women’s Retreat –  Our Bodies Our Souls) for personal, professional, and/or leadership development.

Nathanson Fund
Supports temple administration and general operations.

Nancy & Jimmy and Natalie & Buddy Harris Leadership Fund
This fund was established to provide funds for continuing leadership and leadership development.

Mount Zion SPORTY Fund
This fund was established to support the teens and their events.

KULAM (Mount Zion Inclusion) Fund
This fund is to be used to support the inclusion program at Mount Zion for supplies and supplementary support.

Noazim 20s 30s Fund
This fund was established to support the 20s and 30s group and their events.

Our Bodies Our Souls
Our Bodies Our Souls is a popular annual Shabbaton, retreat, for the women of Mount Zion. Each year a growing number of women gather to strengthen bonds among members of our congregation through study, prayer, relaxation, and creative and tzedakah projects. This fund helps supply materials and speaker/workshop leader stipends for the retreat to enhance the programming while offsetting costs for our members.

President’s Fund
Those who wish to express their appreciation for presidential services and/or in memory of a loved one, for a joyous occasion, etc., may do so by contributing to this fund. Disposition of these funds is determined by the president(s).

Ruvelson Outreach Fund
To provide support for outreach programs at Mount Zion Temple.

Irvin Rose Senior Enrichment Fund
This fund was established for the purpose of developing and promoting fellowship and fostering closer ties among senior members of Mount Zion with other members and with the professional and rabbinic staff.

Women of Reform Judaism Leadership Training Fund
This fund was established to further leadership training and education for Sisterhood members and officers.

The Raline and Bill Paper Emergency Assistance Fund
To provide emergency financial aid, such as health and housing, to Sisterhood members in good standing.

Torah Restoration, Maintenance and Improvement Fund
To fund the restoration of our Torah scrolls and to maintain them in the future. Dedications of a word, Torah portion or even an entire Torah in memory of a loved one, to honor someone special or to celebrate a simcha are possible. Dedications are not exclusive.

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Axelrod Endowment Fund
Bentson Family Rabbinic Chair Endowment Fund
Brodie Endowment Fund
Peter J Brull Cantorial Endowment Fund
Capital Campaign Fund
General Endowment Fund
L’Dor VaDor Endowment Fund – Make Firm Our Steps
Larry Bentson Endowment (no description)
Harry Ward Family Youth and Teen Director Fund
Fund for Mount Zion
William & Mildred Harris Chapel Fund
Yale Johnson Rabbinic and Endowment Fund
This fund was established to support the rabbinic center.
Lipschultz Lounge Fund
Ray Perlman Rabbinic Chair Endowment Fund
Pistner Foyer Fund
Weiss Endowment Fund

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