First Night of Chanukah: Saturday night, December 24 / 25 Kislev
Sponsored by Mount Zion’s Sisterhood.
All are welcome to any part of the evening.
7:00 p.m. Latkes and Festive Salads! (Margolis Hall)
A free light meal sponsored by Sisterhood.
Greeting time & Playing Dreidel
7:30 p.m. Shabbat Chanukah Services
We will begin the service in Margolis Hall to light our candles with Chanukah songs and blessings led by Cantors Jennifer Strauss-Klein, Rachel Stock Spilker, Jeffrey Stock, Hollis Schachner, Harold Messinger, and Sara Stock Mayo.
Bring your own Chanukiah to light if you wish!
Then we will continue the service in the Sanctuary.