Mount Zion’s Israel Advisory Committee Presents
Where do we go from here? A Conversation with Mohammad Darawshe
Please join in person in Margolis Hall or via Zoom. Darawshe will be joining via Zoom, projected for all in person.
Dawrawshe is the Director of Strategy for Givat Haviva – The Center for Shared Society – Israel.
Mohammad Darawshe is considered a leading expert on Jewish-Arab relations and has presented lectures and papers at the European parliament, NATO Defense College, World Economic Forum, and Club de Madrid, US Congress, Herzliya Conference and Israel’s Presidential Conference. He was the recipient of the Peacemakers Award from the Catholic Theological Union, and the Peace and Security Award of the World Association of NGO’s and was Leadership Fellow at the New Israel Fund. In 2009 he served as a member of The National Committee which drafted Israel’s Coexistence Education policy. He holds a Bachelor of Arts from The Hebrew University in Jerusalem and a Master of Arts in Public Administration from Hartford University. He lives in Iksal with his wife and four children.