Madrichim Program
The Madrichim Program is a leadership and skill development program for teens in grades 7th-12th. Madrichim (Guides or Leaders) work in our Lower School as teacher aides in classrooms, as one-on-one advocates, in the office, with the music specialist, and more! Our Madrichim help build positive relationships amongst and with our Lower School students and serve as role models for the younger students in and outside the classroom.
Madrichim are also have training, mentorship, and leadership development throughout the year beginning at the Madrichim and Faculty Orientation before school begins. At Orientation, Madrichim learn about their roles, leadership skills, child development, and important information for working in the school. This is also when they begin their work with their faculty. Faculty work closely with their madrichim to mentor them in leadership, teaching, relationship building, and job skills. The Religious School Director and Youth Engagement Director lead Orientation with the help of many faculty members including the KULAM Coordinator and Madrichim Supervisor. Throughout the year, the madrichim have 45 minute trainings during school that help support their work. Additionally, Rashei Madrichim (Head Madrichim) are 11th and 12th graders who work closely with a group of madrichim as a role model, peer-support, and liaison.
From playing with toddlers to teaching 6th graders, and from working in the office to leading services, all our madrichim do valuable and important work in our school while developing skills for future leadership positions and careers.
Please contact Rebecca Lubar, Madrichim Coordinator, with any questions!
More information:
Madrichim Goals and Expectations
Leadership in the Classroom (Teaching Assignments for Classroom Madrichim)
Gesher Mentor Program
The Gesher Mentor Program is an intensive leadership development and mentorship program open to 11th and 12th Graders. In this role, older teens mentor and teach the youngest teens in our program – the 7th Graders. Gesher Mentors work closely with the Youth Engagement Director and 7th Grade Faculty to support the 7th graders throughout the year in class, the B’nei Mitzvah experience, Shabbatonim, and navigating middle school. Throughout the year Gesher Mentors plan and teach the class, including a co-taught class with the faculty, a program at the Sacred Choices Shabbaton, and a multi-week elective class focused on Pikuach Nefesh (Saving a Life). Additionally, Gesher Mentors attend several B’nei Mitzvah supporting their students as they are called to the Torah in this important Jewish milestone. Lastly, Gesher Mentors serve as Jewish teen role models and provide important support and mentorship to their students. This program supports the Gesher Mentors in developing leadership, relationship building, teaching, mentorship, career, and life skills in a uniquely Jewish teen-centered way.
Gesher Mentor Program Elements:
- Mentor 7th Grade Students
- Work closely and collaborate with Youth Engagement Director and
- 7th Grade Faculty
- Co-teach 7th grade class on Wednesday Evenings
- Plan and lead one regular lesson, one Sacred Choices program, and
- a multi-week elective class
- Attend several B’nei Mitzvah throughout the year
- Gesher Mentor Training in August/September and Sacred Choices
- Training in the winter
- 7th Grade Sacred Choices Shabbaton in the Winter
- 7th Grade A Day Apart Shabbaton in the Fall