Mount Zion Religious School begins in Pre-Kindergarten (age 4-5) and continues through twelfth grade. Students enroll in the same grade as their secular studies.

Students begin to study Hebrew in second grade and continue to enroll in Hebrew classes through sixth grade. We encourage all students to be enrolled in our Hebrew program by second grade.

Mount Zion offers complimentary childcare in a safe, child-friendly environment on Sunday mornings when Religious School is meeting in-person (9:30 am-12:15 pm). Reservations are not necessary. However, we suggest that parents or guardians of infants or children with special needs notify Mount Zion ( in advance. Feel free to drop by room 102 and check out our wonderful facility and staff!

All families in our Religious School programs are members Mount Zion Temple. We encourage families to actively participate in our congregation, programs, services, holidays, activities, and special events.

Grades PreK-6 meet on Sundays from 9:30 AM-12:15 PM.
Grades 2-6 meet on Sundays from 9:30 AM-12:15 PM and Wednesdays

Students in grades 2-6 have a choice of Hebrew sessions.

  • Early session (5:00-5:45 via Zoom only)
  • Late session (6:00-7:15 In-Person only).

Parents/guardians will select your preferred session time. Zoom makes attendance accessible for many families, while in-person allows for the unique panim-al-panim (face-to-face) connection and more instruction time overall.

For information, click here.

Mount Zion Temple’s education is based on the Reform movement’s CHAI curriculum, which emphasizes the study of Torah (the stories in the Torah), Avodah (how we connect and relate to God), and Gemilut Chasdadim (acts of loving kindness). We use the “backward design” curriculum model as outlined in the book Understanding by Design (UbD) by Wiggins and McTighe and published by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD). This approach is designed so that student learning will go beyond the specific classroom activities and will reach a deeper enduring understanding, establishing the basis for later Jewish learning and living.

More information on each grade level can be found here.

Mount Zion Temple uses the Shalom Uvrachah and Hebrew in Harmony Hebrew curriculum published by Behrman House. In 2nd grade, students are introduced to the Hebrew letters, vowels, and basic vocabulary and grammar rules using the Shalom Uvrachah workbook. In grades 3-6, students use Hebrew in Harmony prayer booklets to learn the prayers they will be leading when they become B’nei Mitzvah (usually in the 7th grade). Hebrew in Harmony is a Hebrew curriculum that uses the power of music to engage students with prayer. Featuring music from today’s top Jewish musicians, along with arts, movement, videos, and a full digital learning experience, this multimedia curriculum invites students to learn to sing and pray in Hebrew, as well as read, explore, and interpret prayer text. These are the prayers the students will study between 3rd and 6th grade:
• B’rachot (food and candle blessings)
• Kiddush
• Bar’chu
• Ma’ariv Aravim, Yotzer Or
• Sh’ma
• V’ahavta
• Mi Chamocha
• Avot V’Imahot
• G’vurot
• Birchot HaTorah (Torah blessings)
• Birchot HaHaftarah (Haftarah blessing)
• Hotza’at HaTorah (Torah service)

One of the best ways to be part of your child’s school experience is to participate in the programs at Mount Zion. Not only do those who find the time to volunteer benefit from being actively engaged, but the children see that their Jewish education is important to the adults in the community. Parent volunteers are critical to the success of our programs; we would not be able to offer all of our full and exciting programs without your help. We encourage you to make a difference by contributing your time and talents.

Please call or email Alisha Sawyer, Religious School Director with any questions at 651-698-3881 x130.

Ongoing Volunteer Opportunities:
Grade Level Volunteer
Religious School Committee
Assist with Faculty Appreciation
Provide support around the school as needed

One-time Volunteer Opportunities:

Volunteer opportunities are found during all school programming and events and grade-level programming and events.

All School Programming and Event(s) include: New Family Orientation, Hebrew Orientation, Bread and Torah, Tu BiSh’vat Seder, Z. Willard Finberg Congregation Education Day, Passover Seder, Purim, Mitzvah Day, Yom Acharon – The Last Day of School Picnic

Grade-Level Programming and Events(s) include: Shabbat dinners, Shabbatonim (overnight retreat that includes Shabbat), Consecration