Daily services are held Monday through Thursday at 5:45 p.m. and Sundays at 9:30 a.m. They are lay-led, mostly in English, and primarily provide a forum for those who wish to say Kaddish for a loved one.
Monday through Thursday: Join here or call 929 205 6099 and then enter the meeting ID 950 1383 1872 followed by the pound sign (#), then another pound sign (#) for participant ID. (Dial 312 626 6799 If the first number is busy.)
Sundays: Join here or call the same number above but use meeting ID 967 1886 8732.
If you would like to participate in our daily services, please contact Janet Kampf.
Daily Service Leader Instructions
GREETER: Before services, make sure the Yahrzeit Candle is lit. Open the door and welcome people; distribute and collect prayer books. There are dark blue copies of Mishkan T’filah (with transliterations) in the cupboard at the back of the chapel, and additional copies on a cart in the hallway behind the Sanctuary.
Yahrzeit Candle: If the Yahrzeit candle in the memorial niche isn’t lit, please light it (matches are along the side of the niche or down below in the cupboard). BE SURE at the end of service to blow the candle out. DO NOT leave the Chapel with candle burning.
READER: Lead the worship service. There are clear instructions in the LEADER’S VERSION of Mishkan T’filah in the white binder on the Bima. In the rare event that no one comes to the service, please wait until 6:00 p.m., then read aloud the Yahrzeit list, and recite the Mourner’s Kaddish. Please speak through the hand-held microphone so you can be heard by everyone.
Yahrzeits: The daily Yahrzeit list is on the rostrum at the door to the Harris Chapel; there is another copy on the bima. Please double check that you have the correct day and date. From time to time people will ask for additional names to be read. This is perfectly appropriate; please make every effort to accommodate them.
SHAMMASH: Read the daily additional selection from the Red Torah Readings Binder on Monday and Thursdays, or the Blue Special Readings Binder on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Consult the monthly schedule for assigned daily readings. Please speak through the hand-held microphone so you can be heard by everyone.
Please dress appropriately when leading service at Mount Zion. Casual clothes are, of course, acceptable but please NO JEANS, SHORT, SWEATS or T-SHIRTS. Thank you for your sensitivity in this regard.