Passover at Mount Zion
At Mount Zion, we celebrate Passover with a seder on the first night and with a festival morning service on the first day and seventh day (which also includes a yizkor (memorial) service. Learn more about Passover.
Wishing you a happy Passover in a time such as this
Read an email sent by our Rabbis and Cantors on April 19, 2024.
Passover Events
- Conducted by Rabbi Lynn Liberman
- A Kosher for Passover chicken meal will be served at the Seder; a vegetarian option will also be available.
- A virtual option is available. A virtual link will be sent out over email prior to the event. Please specify on the registration form online if you will be attending the event virtually or in person.
- Registrations will be accepted until April 10, 2024
- A $18/per person registration fee is suggested. Credit card payment taken at time of registration or cash/check at the door the night of the event.
A Creative Way to Move Into Passover
The Link Between the Song of Songs and the Spring Festival
Immediately following Shabbat lunch for 90 minutes
Led by Cantor Rachel Stock Spilker
We will explore how and why the Song of Songs is connected to Passover. We will begin with a brief introduction to some traditional texts, break into chevrutah (learning pairs) for a deeper dive, spend time in creative process (could be writing, music, art, dance, or anything else you dream up!), then come back for reflections and sharing. You do not need to be an artist or have a particular artistic skill to participate. This session is about learning and process, not product.
You can come for any part of Shabbat day: Torah study at 9:00 am, Shabbat service at 10:00 am, the vegetarian potluck lunch afterwards (approximately 11:30 am), and/or this creative text session.
Passover Festival Service
1st Day Festival Service
Tuesday, April 23, 10:00 a.m. in person and via livestream
Intimate community for song.
Intimate community for solace.
Intimate community for memory.
Intimate community for celebration.
Intimate community for being on your own
but knowing you are part of something eternal.
Engage the mitzvah. Try our Festival Morning services at 10 am for Passover/Pesach in person and online.
Yizkor prayers are traditionally said four times a year in memory of a deceased parent(s): Yom Kippur, Sh’mini Atzeret (8th day of Sukkot), Passover (7th day), and Shavuot. Even if you have not attended in the past, it is a meaningful opportunity to remember.
Freedom from Addiction Seder
Celebrating our Freedom from Addiction and Slavery
Presented by the Jewish Recovery Network (JRN) and Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis (JFCS)
For questions, please contact Kristi Murray at or 952-542-4810
Thank you to the Zouber Family for their generous donation in memory of Jesse Davidson.
Passover Festival Service
7th Day Festival Service (Includes Yizkor Prayers)
Monday, April 29, 10:00 a.m. in person and via livestream
Intimate community for song.
Intimate community for solace.
Intimate community for memory.
Intimate community for celebration.
Intimate community for being on your own
but knowing you are part of something eternal.
Engage the mitzvah. Try our Festival Morning services at 10 am for Passover/Pesach in person and online.
Yizkor prayers are traditionally said four times a year in memory of a deceased parent(s): Yom Kippur, Sh’mini Atzeret (8th day of Sukkot), Passover (7th day), and Shavuot. Even if you have not attended in the past, it is a meaningful opportunity to remember.
Passover Resources
- PASSOVER 101: From the Reform Movement and this excellent guide.
- ZOOM SEDERS: How to run a Zoom seder? Video by Rabbi Spilker
- MUSIC: Songs and blessings from Cantor Strauss-Klein and Cantor Spilker’s Passover Spotify Playlist.
- FOOD: Mount Zion staff favorite recipes! and Mount Zion’s Passover Cookbook (2012).
- YOUNG FAMILIES: Suggestions.
- HOW LONG IS PESACH? Rabbi Spilker explains.
- MZ HISTORY: Read a 1998 Guide for Celebrating Passover and a 2010 Passover – Seder Suggestions
Online Haggadot (plural of Haggadah)
We know that many of you are celebrating Passover remotely this year. Check out this list of resources, including print books, ebooks, and Visual T’filah, for your seder.
Passover Video Playlist
Videos from 2020: Music, message to children, poetry, and more!
For a full listing and explanation, see our email from 2020.
Video from 2021
Read a transcript of the video.