Shavuot at Mount Zion
Shavuot is the Jewish festival marking the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai and occurs seven weeks after Passover. At Mount Zion, we celebrate Shavuot by honoring our confirmands (10th graders) at a service on Erev Shavuot. Following the confirmation service, we have a Tikkun Leil Shavuot service, which has a different Torah Study theme each year. On Shavuot morning, we have a Festival Service that includes Yizkor prayers which are said four times a year – at each season – in memory of loved ones. For more information, go to or
Shavuot Events
- 9:45 Session Aleph – Rabbi Adler on Theology of Psalms: Praying Biblical Poetry – a focus on Ps 13 “How Long Will You Hide Your Face From Me?”
- Followed by group singing led by our cantors!
- 10:25 Session Bet – Alisha Sawyer, Religious School Director, on Intro to the Jewish Bookshelf – a focus on Genesis, chapter 1 and the 70 faces of Torah.
- Followed by group singing led by our cantors!
- 11:05 Session Gimel – Rabbi Spilker on Talmudic Personalities: Get to Know the Rabbis – a focus on Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakai and the saving of Judaism.
Shavuot/Confirmation Service
In person, via livestreaming, and Facebook Live.
Our confirmands will lead this festival service for the congregation. As we finish counting the Omer, we invite you to join them as we begin our Shavuot festival together.
Tikkun Leil Shavuot
Engaging Study on the night of Shavuot.
9:15 – Shavuot Oneg – Cheesecake and Refreshments (dairy free and gluten free options)
9:45 – Torah Study in Shiur (Large Group) and Chevruta (In Pairs)
Experience deep learning that touches the soul. We will have paired learning on a text (chevruta) followed by a lesson (shiur). Our Rabbis, Cantors, and Educators will pick topics from Hadar Institute’s Project Zug program. More information to come in the weeks before Shavuot. Zoom or in person.
11:45 – Standing at Sinai – A brief ritual on the ark steps in the Sanctuary (also Livestreaming).
Shavuot Festival Service
In person and via Livestreaming (with Yizkor prayers).
Festival Morning Services
Intimate community for song.
Intimate community for solace.
Intimate community for memory.
Intimate community for celebration.
Intimate community for being on your own
but knowing you are part of something eternal.
Engage the mitzvah.
Try our Festival Morning services for Shavuot in person and online.
Yizkor prayers are traditionally said four times a year in memory of a deceased parent(s): Yom Kippur, Sh’mini Atzeret (8th day of Sukkot), Passover (7th day), and Shavuot. Even if you have not attended in the past, it is a meaningful opportunity to remember.