Sukkot at Mount Zion
Sukkot begins five days after Yom Kippur and is the Jewish Festival of giving thanks for the fall harvest. It also recalls the huts that the Israelites lived in as they travelled in the desert for 40 years after receiving the Torah at Sinai. At Mount Zion, we encourage people to spend as much time in the sukkah as possible throughout the week. We have many events and services in the sukkah, and we encourage people to come any time when the synagogue office is open to take the lulav and etrog, along with instructions on what to do with them, out to the sukkah. Learn about Sukkot’s background, customs, blessings, foods, and more.
Sukkot Events
Sukkah Hop
Connect with fellow MZ members at one of four Sukkot Open Houses! Including drinks, light nosh, and conversation.
Choose from one locations:
• Warren and Susanne Cohen – Eagan
• Stephanie and Jeremy Fink – Minneapolis
• Rabbi Esther Adler and Rob Lebowitz – St. Paul
• Charlie Levine and Marjorie Dana-Levine – Woodbury
One of our clergy will be at each Sukkah at 6:00 pm to lead blessings and shake the lulav.
For all who registered, we look forward to seeing you Sunday at the Open Sukkot!
Pizza in the Hut!
Brief service at 6:15.
All congregants are invited to join for pizza in the Sukkah (including gluten free, dairy free options). Shake the lulav and etrog!
Listen to the Sukkot Playlist