Cantor Rachel Stock Spilker

Cantor Spilker came to Mount Zion in 1997 as the congregation’s first ordained cantor and currently serves part-time. Cantor Spilker received a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies from the University of Pittsburgh and a Master’s Degree in Sacred Music and ordination as a cantor from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Jerusalem and New York. Before coming to Mount Zion, she served as the student cantor at Temple Sholom in Plainfield, NJ and the assistant cantor at Congregation Rodeph Sholom in New York City. Cantor Spilker is the Founder and President of Maayanot Community Mikveh of Minnesota and the co-author of two children’s books, Yonah and the Mikveh Fish and Miryam’s Dance. She serves on the national board of Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom and is also a board member for National Council of Jewish Women Minnesota and At Home With Haydn. She and her husband, Rabbi Adam Stock Spilker, have three children, Eiden, Mirit, and Liam.